Durata: 91 min
Genere: Dramma
Lingua: Italiano
Età 8
Regia: Uberto Pasolini
Con: James Norton, Daniel Lamont, Eileen O'higgins, Valerie O'connor, Stella Mc Cusker, Carol Moore, Valene Kane
Critica I wanted to make this film as soon as I read about a terminally ill father who was trying to find a new family for his son before dying. Although the situation in which the main characters find themselves is an extremely dramatic one, the decision I took when writing the script was to approach the story in a very subtle, discreet manner, keeping as far away as possible from melodrama and sentimentalism. The biggest challenge was to work with such a small child and create a credible and moving father-son relationship. At the age of just four the young Daniel Lamont is a born actor, extraordinary aware and sensitive, and he has had the fortune to work alongside an actor of great talent and generosity like James Norton.
John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, devotes his life to raising his 4-year-old son Michael, as the child’s mother left them immediately after his birth. Their life is a simple one, made up of universal daily rituals, a life of complete dedication and innocent love that reveals the strength of their relationship. But John only has a few months to live. Since he has no family to turn to, he will spend the days left to him looking for a new and perfect one to adopt Michael, trying to protect his child from the terrible reality.
91 min
Genere: Dramma
Lingua: Italiano
Età 8
Regia: Uberto Pasolini
Con: James Norton, Daniel Lamont, Eileen O'higgins, Valerie O'connor, Stella Mc Cu...
Critica I wanted to make this film as soon as I read about a terminally ill father who was trying to find a new family for his son before dying. Although the situation in which the main characters find themselves is an extremely dramatic one, the decision I took when writing the script was to approach the story in a very subtle, discreet manner, keeping as far away as possible from melodrama and sentimentalism. The biggest challenge was to work with such a small child and create a credible and moving father-son relationship. At the age of just four the young Daniel Lamont is a born actor, extraordinary aware and sensitive, and he has had the fortune to work alongside an actor of great talent and generosity like James Norton.
John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, devotes his life to raising his 4-year-old son Michael, as the child’s mother left them immediately after his birth. Their life is a simple one, made up of universal daily rituals, a life of complete dedication and innocent love that reveals the strength of their relationship. But John only has a few months to live. Since he has no family to turn to, he will spend the days left to him looking for a new and perfect one to adopt Michael, trying to protect his child from the terrible reality.